Dale and Ryan discuss the positives, negatives and differences in each of the National Major Shows.
228: Attainable Achievements
Dale and Ryan discuss how each stock show family should set goals for each show so each outing can be […]
227: Obesity in Show Animals
Ryan declares war on what he believes is an Epidemic in the show ring, and Dale tries to calm him […]
226: Attitude and Atmosphere are Contagious
Ryan and Dale discuss how the atmosphere and attitudes of people outside the show ring affect those who are on […]
225: Before and After
Dale and Ryan discuss the critical periods before you start showing and what comes afterward.
224: Everything County Fair
Ryan and Dale recognize that the county fair is the lifeline of the Junior Livestock Show. They attempt to provide […]
223: I Volunteer as Tribute
Dale is MIA on vacation again, so Ryan discusses the importance of volunteerism in the stock show industry.
222: How Old Is Old Enough ?
Dale brings to the forefront the trend of show stock being older and more mature … Ryan rails against it!
221: Ring Savvy
Ryan and Dale explain the lost art of being Ring Savvy which can increase your competitive edge in many circumstances.
220: Snap Shot
Ryan and Dale discuss how sometimes as spectators we forget the judges only get a snapshot of the animals they […]